Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Multi-Purpose DNA Specialist

Posted by Unknown on 02:18 with No comments
The Multi-Purpose DNA Specialist

Who are we? What makes us the way that we are? These questions have been asked since the beginning of time. DNA is our blueprint. In a specific, ordered way, it tells us precisely who we are and what makes us tick. By studying DNA, a DNA Specialist can identify an individual using only a small tissue sample. Legally, paternity can be undeniably established using state of the art testing that examines the building blocks of our unique genetic pattern.

Locations within an individual’s DNA called loci are mapped by a DNA specialist at a variety of sites to establish a unique DNA profile. Using a process called the polymerase reaction, these loci are expanded and tested. No two individuals, unless they are twins, will exhibit the same patterns within their DNA strands. The genetic material within a single follicle of hair is enough to accurately identify any person living on earth.

While blood samples can determine a person’s blood type, blood tests can not identify a unique individual since blood types are shared by millions of people. Since blood cells are not nucleated, they do not contain any DNA. DNA only exists within the nucleated cells of our body and it is the same DNA within every healthy cell within the body. Therefore, DNA testing can also be done on substances such as semen, which contains half of an individual's genetic heritage, as well as urine and saliva, which generally contain some cellular material within the collected sample. Since DNA is stable with a longer life than many proteins, effective testing can be done on samples which may have been exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time or subjected to environments high in acid, salt, or contamination by bacteria or other organisms.

With the increased accuracy of DNA testing, paternity testing is now a widely accepted legal result. This accuracy also allows DNA specialists to trace the ancestry of any individual to specific regions of the world. A single genetic test can tell how much DNA originated from East Asian, Native American, Sub-Saharan African, or European ancestors. While these test results can not directly link us to a family or an individual from history, they can tell us where our ancestors lived and migrated from through time.

Our history and our individuality live within our cells. Legally, DNA tests done by a trained DNA specialist can determine paternity and individuality and teach us about our past. The next time that you wonder who you really are, head to a lab for some interesting answers.
About Author
Dr. Miller has over 14 years experience in the lab and as a crime scene investigator. He is experienced with DNA, evidence and stain collection and testing in sexual assaults, murders, DNA Specialist and paternity.


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